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Proposal Title: CharterDAO x BitDAO
Authors: Arno Pernthaler - Vice President DEC Association / Prof. Dr. Tim Weingärtner - President DEC Association & University of Applied Sciences Lucerne / Marcel Harmann - Board Member Crypto Valley Association & Founder of THORWallet / Nikhil Vadgama - University College London Centre for Blockchain Technologies
Date: 13th July 2022
Full Proposal
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The global blockchain space and with it the blockchain, crypto and Web3 experts and
specialists are growing fast. However, the industry has a hard time identifying which
specialists truly bring the required skill set for a certain position. The DEC Association
was formed in 2020 to set the industry standard with a charter holder program for
blockchain, digital assets and web3 professionals (a CFA for Digital Asset Experts).
The association is positioned at the intersection of industry and academia, backed by
leading members active at the forefront of the blockchain space such as University
College London, National University of Singapore, Frankfurt School of Finance &
Management, Lucerne University of Applied Science and Arts, and Politecnico di Milano
School of Management, as well as the Web3 Foundation (Polkadot), Tezos Foundation,
Ripple Labs, SEBA Bank, Sygnum Bank, among others.
The DEC Institute, which is mandated by the DEC Association ́s consensus, implements
and rolls out the online examinations, which are co-created and endorsed by the
association ́s active members. The Chartered Digital Asset Analyst (CDAA®) and the
Chartered Blockchain Expert (CBX®) launched in 2021 and the association ́s member
universities have since then prepared their students and professional alumni and
customers for the DEC examination - a true global passport for Distributed Ledger
Technology, Digital Assets and Web3 experts. There are already over 150 charter
holders and 500 signed-up candidates, from over 35 countries, confirming the high
demand for such a decentralized establishment.
This proposal ensures that the DEC Association can fulfil its purpose as a DAO, a truly
decentralized certification entity in the ethos of the decentralized community. DEC is
facilitating through its charter the understanding and learning of DAOs for its candidates
and will allow its members and candidates to know that BitDAO is fully supportive of
their endeavours. The partnership enables BitDAO to gain significant exposure to the
global blockchain labour market and the future leaders of the industry, further
expanding the talent pool of the BitDAO community. In addition, the DEC
Association ́s Web 3 Certification DAO is integrating smoothly with existing DAOs such
as the EduDAO where complementary synergies can be used, and research of the
EduDAO can be implemented as well as ZKDAO, where newest L2 technology can be
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