[ARCHIVED] Labs Latam x BIT DAO: Impacting Latam through its AEs

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Proposal Title: BIT DAO + Labs Latam Partnership

Author: Cristóbal Forttes , CEO Labs Latam , cforttes@labslatam.com ,+56 9 93249846

Date: 01/08/2022


The Latin America blockchain technology market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 30.3% (2018-2023) and generate a global revenue of USD 0.51 billion by 2023, whereas investment in blockchain is expected to maintain a sustained growth of 45% until the same year. (Source: Quadintel Report). These projections are mainly leveraged by the financial market, which has seen an explosion in the number of blockchain-based solutions.

According to a Mastercard survey, more than half of the Latin American population already uses crypto assets as a means of payment, consistently capturing between 8% and 10% of global cryptocurrency activity, and four countries (Venezuela, Argentina, Colombia and Brasil) rank among the top 20 countries in the global crypto adoption index score.

Per Gemini’s Global State of Crypto report, Latam is actually ahead of the curve in terms of women in crypto. In developed nations, a third of crypto owners are women, whereas in Latin America it’s 43%. Amongst non-owners who plan to buy crypto in the next year, 47% of this group in developed countries are women, versus 54% in Latam.
In terms of technological infrastructure, 7 countries have 5G networks already operating, and 7 out of 20 Latin American countries have more mobile lines than inhabitants.

In Latin America, where an average 50% of the population is still unbanked, and income inequality is extremely high, this is not only a good business, but above all a transcendental social impact that will improve the quality of life of millions of people.

All of the above has shown the enormous power that blockchain technology has in the region, and the good news is that there are endless sectors such as real state, gaming, education, health, law and governments, where blockchain and web 3 projects shows an increasing interest, and nobody has made the most of it.


The BIT DAO community has been able to build a solid ecosystem of Autonomous Entities in different sectors, and Labs Latam can be the platform on which BIT DAO AE´s can be promoted to positively impact the lives of millions of inhabitants of Latin America.

Labs Latam will provide networks, information and technological talent that will allow it to create associations plus real and concrete use cases to accelerate its AE´s implementation in each of the sectors where it participates, contributing to the growth of the global BIT DAO community.


Our partner scheme is the same for every candidate and consists of a token grant equivalent to USD 500,000 with the possibility of withdrawing USD 15,000 per month and a duration of 33 months, depending on the spot value of the token.

Read the full proposal here: Bit DAO x Labs Latam Proposal.pdf - Google Drive

More info in www.labslatam.com

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