Proposal Title: Require Partners to Delegate an adequate number of votes to community members.
Authors: Deefs
Date: October 26th, 2021
My proposal will benefit the community by distributing a portion of BitDAO’s voting rights back to community members. This will enable the community to engage in Governance without an implied requirement for support from large partners (who currently hold a share of voting rights that far outweighs the general community). The stagnation of soft-proposals that find popular-support, and the speed at which votes are put forth when they implicate large partners, is a clear problem that must be rectified.
The current distribution of voting rights disempowers the community, facilitates bias, potentially enables censorship, and effectively limits our capacity as a community to demand accountability and transparency from our partners.
As an example, the speed at which BIP-4 was put forth, and the lack of engagement (or even acknowledgement) with respect to community concerns / thoughts / questions suggests an extremely real problem forming around the centralization of voting rights within the DAO.
Best practice would also see the implementation of a way for the community themselves to direct these voting rights. Perhaps a share of the voting rights that the partners hold could somehow be allocated to all BitDAO holders.
What are the projected outcomes?
A distribution of delegated voting rights away from partners, and towards community members assigned by the community itself.
How long will it take to complete your proposed changes?
The partners would be provided a specific time-line in which they would be required to delegate these votes. We would initially require a period of consideration and selection with respect to the community’s choice of delegates.
Who is involved?
Our major partners and the community of BitDAO holders as a whole.
What are the milestones?
Voting. Delegate selection / voting. Delegating relevant votes.
ASAP- the community is absolutely in need of community representatives who are able to put forth proposals.
Add technical details and/or links to source documentation
Someone else will have to chime in here.
Include any other relevant details on how this proposal will be accomplished:
Herein lies the problem. As it stands, this will require one of the aforementioned partners (or mystery delegates) to put this proposal to a vote- yet, it diretly challenges the ratio of power that they hold. This disentivizes them from putting forth this proposal. Solving this problem is essential to ensuring equity within the DAO.
Next Steps?
If this proposal is accepted, what are the immediate action items? The delegation of a specific amount of votes to members of the community chosen by the community.